Hawaii Travel Deals

Here you will find exclusive deals for your vacation in the islands of Hawaii. Our deals rotate often so if you don't see anything today, please do check back. Need some ideas for your travel to Hawaii? Let's explore together during a free discovery call.

Nikki Hill Hawaii Certification

1 bedroom villa in Honolulu, Hawaii from just $750 per person!

Come stay at the AAA 4-Diamond award winning Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa located in Maui, Hawaii. For bookings made by 06/04/23. For travel through 12/14/23. Car rental and air arrangements available.   Contact me to learn more about this deal.


Enjoy $150 off your vacation in Hawaii. Not valid for cruises. Good for a stay in Maui, Hawaii Big Island, and Kauai. Car rental and air arrangements available.   Contact me to learn more about this deal.

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